Vivir el Dream is free for Kindle!

Hey everyone! I wanted to let you know my debut novel Vivir el Dream is free on Kindle for the next five days so grab yourself a copy now:

This multi-award winning novel of mine is being shopped for the big screen. Fingers crossed! Hope you enjoy a free copy!

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January Challenge Review!

Banana Cream Pie

I meant to write this last week but it didn’t happen! We ended up spending $221 on groceries last month and greatly reduced eating out by like half of what we normally do! I really enjoyed cooking and eating yummy meals from scratch!

In fact, my wife and I liked it so much we made a whole plan for February as well! We figured out some glitches to avoid for this month, and we need to restock some meat but are also experimenting with non,meat proteins (lentils and beans) as well!

So far for February we made chili, ribs, macaroni and cheese, banana cream pie, and lots of leftovers!

What fun things have you made lately? Any experiments gone wrong or experiments gone right? Let me know below!

Pumpkin Smoothie


We have continued our pantry-emptying journey. This week we ate shrimp with wontons, falafel, soup, biscuits eith sausage gravy, and pot roast with potatoes and carrots. We have eaten out once or twice but still going strong with our cooking.

Tonight I made pumpkin muffins and pumpkin bundt cake from frozen pumpkin. It only required three cups of pumpkin and we had four so I decided to make a pumpkin smoothie. Here’s the recipe:

Pumpkin Smoothie (serves 1)

  • 1/2 cup pumpkin
  • 1 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup raw cane sugar
  • Sprinkles of cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, and cloves

Use a blender or whisk to froth up. Enjoy!

Waste not, want not! Now my kiddo had an extra full belly before bed (he only had pot roast and a giant cupcake and licking the spoon…lol growing boy!). I sort of wished there was more. Maybe I’ll find more frozen pumpkin as we eat away at our freezers!

Anyway, what recipes have you incented lately? Tell me below!

Tired of cooking…

So we got busy over the weekend and ended up eating out a couple times and I feel like it totally tanked my energy and motivation. I especially noticed it last night.

We still have used up lots of our reserves (as shown in pictures above) and have been marking off inventory as we go so we know what we have.

We haven’t bought many groceries at all, except for some fresh veggies, meat, dairy, and snacks but we did eat out more this week than the rest of the month.

All in all, I am happy with our experiment and want to continue it into next month but I do feel tired. Not gonna lie.

Financially, this has been pretty sweet. We have only spent $199 on groceries this month. I spent $90 on eating out. I have learned snacks and eating out are the priciest of all the things! Those $90 are really only 3 meals of eating out. Also of those groceries snacks were like $60 of it. Dang!

Anyway, any tips for yummy snacks that kids will eat and will travel well and can be made with pantry and freezer items? Our family particularly enjoys chips.

Tired but still cooking…

Cole slaw was better without the carrots, brussel sprouts were perfect, crab cakes were salty and oily. Not my best!
This brisket, pickle, cheddar, bbq panino was sooo good
This banana bread was delightful!

This week we have done pretty well, though we ate out one night and I bought tamales instead of making them (because I was hanging with a friend). We still have really only spent about $80 on groceries so far this month, which is sort of amazing. We spent about $30 eating out. Not awful.

My crab cakes didn’t turn out well and my soup last night turned out more like pasta (alphabet pasta really puffs up!)

Tonight is leftovers and tomorrow is tuna noodle casserole. Not sure what the rest of the week holds. I better look it up! We probably have some fresh veggies and a few things to buy this week. Overall, I am really enjoying cooking more.

Oh and I just saw the show Easy Bake Battle starring Antoni from Queer Eye. It is about home cooks making easy meals fast and learning hacks from them and getting new ideas. It is giving me awesome ideas! If you are out of ideas, I recommend checking it out on Netflix!

Any cooking experiments lately? If so, share below!

January meals!

Well, friends! So far, so good! We cooked every night so far and have followed the schedule! We did have one snafu that I discovered last night.

Apparently when doing inventory on the deep freeze, I failed to put back 3 containers. So we lost some food! Thankfully 2 of them were pupusa things that I had everything to make from scratch. The other was not soup like I thought but Indian curry! Not a total loss.

Today I am making pupusas using a bit of brisket, refried beans, and cheese. We do have to buy cabbage, carrots, and cumin but not too bad! Smells good! I am about to eat the first 2, hoping they’ll be yummy for this evening! No curtido yet since my wife is picking up the cabbage.

What have you made lately?

Cleaning out my pantry…

So my wife and I decided that for the month of January we are going to clean out our freezers and pantry to make all of our food from scratch instead of buying tons of extra food or eating out/in. I made a menu for the month, and I am pretty excited to see how we do! I’ve decided that Sundays are for soups (yesterday was butternut squash) and Monday is for leftovers (today was meatball sandwich for lunch and butternut squash soup for dinner). I’ve decided to write down what we spend to see how little we can spend on food this month. Wish us luck!

This week we will be having quiche, chicken breast roll ups with fresh broccoli, zucchini bake, pupusas with curtido and salsa, and meatloaf with potatoes and brussel sprouts. Apart from cabbage for the curtido, we won’t need to buy anything.

On a side note, we are doing this both to be good stewards of money and not to waste food. We both hate throwing out food, and since COVID, we have eaten out way too much (though have improved with this in the last 6 months).

Have you ever taken stock of your food supply? What creative dishes have you come up with? Let me know!